We accept all donations of cash, online payments, as well as gently used and new baby items. Diapers will always be our top priority. We are thankful for your donations helping us to offer newborn and children essentials,educational materials, child development education, scholarships for children to participate in extra-curricular activities,teen parent mentorship, lactation education as well as breastfeeding support and encouragement.
We accept all donations of cash, online payments, as well as gently used and new baby items. Diapers will always be our top priority. We are thankful for your donations helping us to offer newborn and children essentials,educational materials, child development education, scholarships for children to participate in extra-curricular activities,teen parent mentorship, lactation education as well as breastfeeding support and encouragement.
*Please call (434) 260-1774 or email to arrange a time to drop off/pick up donated baby items....Thank you so much!!
Thank you for your continued support.
Come on board to champion families and tiny tots in need! Every bub deserves a royal welcome with all the baby basics. Your generosity paves the way for families to worry less about basic needs. From diapers to dapper outfits, cozy sleep spaces,safe travels,educational materials, and scholarships, we CAN sprinkle some stardust on these little miracles together!
Come on board to champion families and tiny tots in need! Every bub deserves a royal welcome with all the baby basics. Your generosity paves the way for families to worry less about basic needs. From diapers to dapper outfits, cozy sleep spaces,safe travels,educational materials, and scholarships, we CAN sprinkle some stardust on these little miracles together!